When I got home I just hung it as a natural potpourri. It dried in about 2 weeks but I didn't want to do dispose of it, I wanted to make something with it. That is when I turned to a book I had bought at the thriftstore called "The Potted Herb." In it, I found a recipe for a face mist; these are the steps I took...
Dried lemon verbena
Witch hazel (this one is from Target)
Witch hazel (this one is from Target)
I semi-crushed the dried lemon verbena leaves with a mortar and pestle
I filled a recycled jar (it's handy to keep some glass jars you have used and thoroughly clean them) with witch hazel and lemon verbena. This is to sit for 2 weeks in a warm area. It has been nippy out here lately, so I left it on my windowsill to get the bit of sun and warmth we are getting. After 2 weeks, strain and place contents in a spray bottle.