From American Friends Services Committee:

Urban gardening has grown in popularity in Los Angeles. But is this phenomenon a passing trend or a sustainable reality? Hear various expert speakers working in the community, in schools, co-ops, and other publc spaces use urban gardens as a way to rebuild community. AFSC Los Angeles will also share its work in creating two gardens at local high schools as a form of peacebuilding. Following the dialogue will be a freereception for the opening of our art gallery exhibit, "Cultivating Spirited Land."
Speakers include: Mud Baron, the Green Policy Director for the Los Angeles Unified School District Board of Education; Connie DePaepe-Layton, Master Gardner and a leading advocate for greening Los Angeles; and Megan Hobza, a noted community leader in the field of time banking.
Speakers include: Mud Baron, the Green Policy Director for the Los Angeles Unified School District Board of Education; Connie DePaepe-Layton, Master Gardner and a leading advocate for greening Los Angeles; and Megan Hobza, a noted community leader in the field of time banking.
Thursday, November 11, 2010 7:00 pm to 8:00 p.m.
AFSC Los Angeles Office 3rd Floor
634 S. Spring St.Los Angeles, CA 90014
(recommend parking at Joe's Parking Lot on 530 S. Spring St.)
Contact Information:
For more information contact: Anthony Marsh, Los Angeles Area Program Director 213.489.1900 x119 or
AFSC Los Angeles Office 3rd Floor
634 S. Spring St.Los Angeles, CA 90014
(recommend parking at Joe's Parking Lot on 530 S. Spring St.)
Contact Information:
For more information contact: Anthony Marsh, Los Angeles Area Program Director 213.489.1900 x119 or