boooooo... It's that time again. Halloween. Time for pumpkins, candy, black + orange, and all things dark and eerie. Here is a cute and simple craft that can be used as little gifts or for party favors. I got this craft from Martha Stewart (her website is great for arts and crafts ideas). I present you: Pumpkin favor pouches for Halloween. I must note that I found it hard to find orange crepe paper, but did get my hands on orange tissue paper and used that. I kept the instructions the same by doubling the paper.
For party favors or treats on Halloween night, fill crepe-paper pumpkin pouches with tiny toys and candy eggs. To make a pouch, cut two 10-inch-diameter circles from orange crepe paper. Stack circles and put goodies -- candy and small toys -- in the center. Pull sides of paper up around treats to make a pouch. Gather paper just above the treats, and twist a little. Secure by wrapping green floral tape around the base of the twist, binding upward to create pumpkin stem. If necessary, trim excess paper before binding. Foliage curls can be made by wrapping floral tape around a pencil.
Here is the one I made. I added some "pumpkin leaves" using green tissue paper. You can do that, or use the method used here with the floral tape.